The Highest Form of Thought: Gratitude

The Highest Form of Thought: Gratitude G.K. Chesterton once said that “the highest form of thought is gratitude.” For the longest time, I wondered what he meant by that. Then, all of a sudden, it clicked. Too often in life, we find ourselves discontent, stressed, or dissatisfied. When this happens, our natural impulse is to…

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A Simple and Surprising Way to Build Confidence

Confidence is often thought to come from recognizing and celebrating strengths. This belief is behind much of modern parenting, where praise is frequently lavished on children to build their self-esteem—sometimes regardless of actual achievement. The idea is that confidence is like a balloon that can be inflated with enough encouragement. But is this the best…

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How to not Procrastinate

Due Date vs. Done By Date: Taking Control of Your Goals Deadlines shape our lives. From work projects to personal obligations, we constantly face due dates—deadlines imposed by others that dictate when something must be completed. While due dates are unavoidable, they don’t have to control our productivity or ambitions. Instead, we should focus on…

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Four Key Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life, but managing it effectively can make all the difference in how it impacts our daily experience. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but breaking anxiety management into four main approaches provides a practical framework for navigating it. 1. Avoidance: Picking Your Battles Sometimes, the simplest way to deal with anxiety…

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A Quick Method to Get Things Done

The WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW of Getting Things Done Do you ever find yourself staring at a long to-do list, unsure where to start or why some tasks seem impossible to tackle? Let me introduce you to a simple but powerful system that breaks down your tasks into six essential questions: WHO, WHAT,…

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A Guide For Young Men: How to Get Out of a Rut

Life is a series of choices. Each one, big or small, shapes who you become. For young men striving to live with purpose and honor, cutting out bad habits isn’t just about removing sin—it’s about creating space for something better. Let’s talk about why eliminating harmful habits is crucial and what practical steps you can…

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Uncovering Heart Idols in Christian Counseling

In Christian counseling, a core focus is helping people uncover and turn from their idols. When we hear the word “idol,” it often brings to mind images of statues made of wood or stone that people worship for what they believe the idol can offer them. However, the idols most people struggle with today aren’t…

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The Hallmarks of a Manipulative Personality: Ambiguity as a Weapon

One of the distinguishing traits of manipulative personalities is their use of ambiguity. This intentional vagueness allows them to shift their stance as it suits them, avoiding accountability and responsibility while appearing adaptable. Through this tactic, they can shape the conversation or the perception of truth to suit their needs, changing positions depending on the…

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Healing from Loss: Four Key Ingredients for Growth

Loss and pain are universal experiences, yet healing from them often feels like a deeply personal and lonely journey. When faced with profound grief or another painful event, many of us wonder what it takes to truly heal. In my experience, four things are essential in this process: time, truth, new experiences, and meaning. Let’s…

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On Receiving Negative Feedback

How We Respond to Negative Feedback Reveals How Much of Our Identity Is in Our Performance Negative feedback can be tough to swallow, but how we respond to it speaks volumes about where we place our sense of identity and value. When you receive negative feedback, do you react defensively? Do you brush it off…

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